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Come on guys! Don't fool yourselves! Uncharted has definitely made profit.

They spent $1M advertising in UK. UK is a third of the European market, so say $3M advertising in Europe. NA isn't that much bigger than Europe, so I would say $5M advertising in NA. That makes $28M.

Because Naughty Dog is owned by Sony, by Daddo Splat's calculations they get $30 per copy sold, or 50%.

Uncharted has sold 480,000 copies in NA, meaning, $14,400,000.

Given that they get 50% of the money on each copy sold, it is fair to say that they get £17.50 ($35) off each copy sold in Europe. The RRP is £40.

Uncharted has sold 670,000 copies in Europe, meaning, $23,450,000.

Say they get $30 off each copy sold in Japan, that means, $1,800,000.

Total: $39,650,000. Take away the $28,000,000, giving $11,650,000 profit so far.

Uncharted continues to sell roughly 45,000 copies a week. Meaning every week thats an extra $1,350,000 profit made.