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JusSayian said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
JusSayian said:

Yea its call capitalism, I do not no where you from but its just how North Amercians are.

Best part about living in the country is understanding where the problem stems from. Just love yearly mill games with little changes.

Hey cannot blame the entire country cause of with its teens buy.

Who said its mostly teens buying the games? LOL That and coupled with the fact that we're not product nationalists its understandable why the better product would sell better. Superior specs, 95% the same games and a $100 lower in the price. The 360 took gamers from the PS3 very similarly, except the PS3 was more powerful on paper to the point where it hurt the console in the long run.

I thought you were making a hint at cod and other games that have yearly releases with no changes haha.

How did it hurt the console, i think it made it better then 360 and ps3 did very will this gen. Sony lost a huge chunk of the market share but its for the benefit of gamers they did. Competition is good and it needs to be there I do not want another ps2 era crap, cause if MS dies sony will become what it was at the beginning of ps3 life cycle. But judging by its community they liked it than they will like it again which is sad.

LOL @COD, but yeah..everyone is playing that. All age groups as well as the year EA, 2K Sports titles and others. Activision loves it too and they have influenced Ubisoft with games like Just Dance in pumping out yearly titles. As I said, the American method tends to be the mill invention which it does to music and movies as well. There is merit to their a lot of American products though, when we take the time to make quality. Halo is a testament to that.

Sony lost half of their gamers because Microsoft made the 360 as close as possible in multiplat offerings to the PS3 and the price was relatively cheaper. Americans weigh overall value of the product and if it is virtually the same as the competition product the price is the next deciding factor (A minority actually evaluate specs, exclusive content, etc). The Japanese will support home products over the alien product competitions product offers nothing different hence the sales of the sales you see in Japan even though the PS3 was more expensive. There are also a decent amount of Americans in Japan seeing that America has bases over there and the armed forces tend to be over there. MS could lose just as many gamers as they gained for the same reasons Sony lost them. Remember Microsoft ended their first gen with only what...24 million consoles? Sony ended their first gen with 100 million plus, so they expanded the market. Microsoft has learned how to take them, so the question is how do you keep them? MS has been playing tug of war for Sonys marketshare, basically, so we might be seeing this same thing for numerous generation until one gives in.