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New interview

A few choice bits

"After seeing a breathtaking 45 minute presentation for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt at E3 (of which you can expect a write-up soon), I was able to catch up with gameplay producer Marek Ziemak for a juicy interview about the game. Topics included load times, multiple endings, the game going multi-platform and the voice acting process, among others. Sharpen your swords as we dive in."

"Q: Firstly, the loading times… how prevalent will those be? Do you have any idea how long they’ll be and how often you’ll encounter them?

A: Thanks to new technology on RedEngine3, we were actually able to create a world without loading screens as you travel across the world. This should answer your question. *laughs*"

"Q: I did see a few framerate issues during the presentation. It was from a pre-alpha version, though, so I imagine those will be ironed out in the full release.

A: Yeah, definitely. We didn’t have everything fully optimized. It’s still very much a work-in-progress, so many elements, such as streaming, are still being created."

"Q: In terms of the save system, will you a retain a quicksave or ‘save anywhere you want’ feature, or is it checkpoint-based? I imagine you’re going with the former.

A: Oh my God. This is actually a difficult question. I’m not sure if we made a decision on this…

*turns to another developer across the room and asks him*

Yeah, so basically, you’ll be able to save your game whenever you want to."


" Q: Did you encounter any massive difficulties so far in porting the game to next-gen consoles? Fitting this huge world onto a console can’t be easy.

A: Well, we’re not actually porting the game. We were doing it multi-platform since the very beginning. Sure, it’s challenging, especially since the technology is quite new, but we were thinking about it since the beginning. It’s a bit more ‘interesting.’ It’s challenging, but it’s very much possible.

 Q: All three version will release at the same time, right?

A: Yeah. Our target is to release on all three platforms at the same time."

"Q: On that note, will there be multiple endings?

A: Yes, sure. We’re having around 36 endings, as far as I remember. These affect the state that you will leave the world in after your playthrough."

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