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Zizzla_Rachet said:
Mensrea said:
Titanfall is pretty cool. And crimson dragon as well as dead rising 3 looked good. It's just that there is no way I can buy a system that is so anti consumer. If Microsoft removed DRM, allowed used games, allowed loaning games, and didn't have kinect always watching, then I would really consider buying it over PS4.

A console that requires you to install your game and no longer use the disc needs DRM...That's not anti Consumer...You can sell your physical disc at support retails and it will become aviable as used..You lose the game from your digital library...which is why the DRM is in place...Sharing games with your Gamertag family is much better than loaning some one a disc based game...Kinect can be disabled from th UI...

Sorry..your argument is invalid....

You've got the cart before the horse. MS designed the Xbone to enforce DRM, the full install and no disc required was placed within that paradigm. They didn't start from a standpoint of the best way for games to work is full install and no disc required...oh wait if we do that we'll need DRM which severely restricts the used game market otherwise piracy will be rampant on Xbone. You're trying to retro fit a DRM justification into an aspect of the console's design that is completely unnessesary.

Wait, it's not quite just that. Because MS wants you to not have to get up off your couch, they want you to be able to put a Blu-ray movie / TV show into the Blu-Ray player and for you to be able to play any of your games then swithc to the movie on the fly. OK, nifty feature, but to make DRM a trade off for a nifty, but hardly earth shattering little feature is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

DRM was not a solution to a consequential problem created by the design of the Xbone operating environment. It was an end goal in itself.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix