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Jega said:
green_sky said:
I love Jega's threads. This dude is hardcore optimist. The most impressive was Titan Fall and it is good thing pc and 360 gamers can play it next spring too. PS4 probably in 2015.

I wish i could say something nice about Ryse and Quantum Break but at this time i have nothing. Killer Instinct is atleast free to try and Crimson Dragon is no more Kinect exclusive. So some positives there.

Titan fall won't be coming to the PS4.

Ahh now that's the kind of blind fanboyism that makes me want to stay far, far away from the Xbone crowd, so I won't have to be associated with this sheep like behaviour and unquestioning acceptance at whatever MS gives you. Beautiful. Devs hinted at a PS4 version already, and if not, the it's on PC anyway. The PC/PS4 combination of gaming is the way to go for the forseeable future. True gamers should stay far, far away from the Xbone.