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Microsoft showed the most impressive game at E3, too bad it's also going to be on PS4, and probably PS3 and 360 as well.

They also wasted my time with World of Tanks and Minecraft, and for that I can never forgive them.

Ryse looks bad, and so far the couple of previews I've seen of it have been pretty negative.

Killer Instinct might be alright, though it looks profoundly meh, but it will never take off in the fighting game community, nor will the Xbox One in general, because of the 24-hour check. Internet connections are an issue in hotels and such.

Did we even see any gameplay for Quantum Break? I think we just saw a movie.

I don't think there was a single game shown that justified a purchase of this console. Not to me or a single one of my friends, certainly -- and literally all they had to show was Fable 4 and one of them would have thrown his credit card at the screen.