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Story time. 

Pokemon Ruby in 3rd grade. Get to Groudon. Epic theme impossible on GBC plays. I pause and listen to it for a while before I can finally start to battle.

DS didn't have very advanced sound. Above GBA quality sure, but it didn't sound like that much of a leap to me. 

But now the 3DS got this MIDI to orchestrated music leap going on here. I can really hear the difference. Fire Emblem sounded awesome. (Particularly this song)

And a couple of Bravely default songs really made an impact. 

I can't wait to hear some of the themes from Pokemon with grandiose champion/legendary music. TWEWY 2 music....aww yeah. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)