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EncodedNybble said:
So, basically, you and up to 10 people (or is it yourself + 9 others) can basically share any game anyone in the group purchases. But, a restriction is put in place that none of the 10 people can ever play the same game twice if only copy of the game was purchased.

If there objective was to give publishers more money by eliminating used games, how is this any better? You basically took potentially 10 sales and made 1 out of it. Sure, they could also just lend the disc to the friends in the status quo, but in that scenario, one friend has to be "done" with the game. The family share means all 10 people, if played in an interleaved fashion, can all beat a game in less than a week. Seems weird and confusing.

Also, remember when the PS3 launched and you could "game share" with 4 other people. That's gone. I'm sure this will go the way of the dodo too.

@ bolded, I don't think it's anyone in the group can share each other's games just because they are in YOUR group. They would also have to be in each other's groups. The rest of that paragraph seems to be wrong too.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.