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Well guys, E3 2013 is over.

It was quite the adventure, and through all the crazy shenanigans, we're one step closer to fantastic new games. I for one can't wait to get my hands on these amazing titles.

So, until next time (and ConeGamer will be taking over hosting duties!), I leave you with this!

(In-N-Out! ;___;)

(Team Coco)

(Retro Studios)
A final thought...
As I sat there watching all of the conferences, live feeds, media reports, and the overall chaos that is E3... I found myself more and more out of the loop that is "mainstream gaming". This new era where guns are (always) blazing, graphics are pushed more in more into the realm of reality, and development is more dependant on narrative and character development than ever... we'll I just can't say that I'm fully on board. If that's what you're after in the gaming world, then you're sure to be pleased with this direction we're on currently.
But despite all that, and seeing these pictures... It's nice to see that some things don't change. Despite their struggles and pressures in the industry, Nintendo (and I mean the people who make the company what it is) stays true to who they are. They're about finding new ways to engage the player. And their style of engagement is having good ol' fun. That's what I saw from them this year at E3, and I couldn't be more ecstatic to be a part of that loop.
Until next time guys. Happy gaming!