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Michael-5 said:
Munkeh111 said:

Sony definitely don't intend to kill the PS3, but they might encourage people to move on in major markets. The 12GB that they inexplicably don't sell in America is an example of that. Here in the UK, I have seen it being sold for ~£150 which is only slightly more expensive than the 4GB 360 and more importantly less than HALF the price of the PS4 when it comes out (£350).

Sony is going to keep selling the PS3 for a long time, especially in "less mature markets". I am sure a little part of them wants to end the gen as the number 1 seller, which is far from impossible. You also have to remember that Sony will probably be making more a profit on each PS3 sold than a launch PS4

Also and most importantly, a year with Ni No Kuni, The Last of Us, Beyond and GT 6 as exclusives is remarkable {there are probably others}, there is still a lot to come from the PS3. <--- Tales of Xillia, Disgaea D2, Time and Eternity, etc.

The PS4 is priced so low because it doesn't come with a Kinect. They need to get off to a fast start this generation, they don't want to have to play catch up as they did with the PS3 for all those years

I wish we got the 12GB PS3, but isn't that a bit little for the PS3? I mean when I had a PS3, most of my games required an install. Still I'm hoping for a discount PS3 come black friday, last year they sold 160GB models for $200.

Yes, I agree with you. Kill is a strong world, and PS3 will sell well in countries like Brazil, which tax game consoles heavily. It should still do okay in larger markets, but with PS4 priced so low, I can see PS3 sales taking a huge dive, and PS4 sales flying sky high.

PS4 not coming with Kinect is huge! Going to help Sony a lot. Also while PS3 makes more profit per console sold, the PS3 market is saturated with used games, and late console buyers typically own less game to begin with. Sony will make a lot more money off every PS4 sold then PS3 since every game is still $60, and the used game market needs time to grow.

Yeah, I am not convinced about the 12GB one, it seems like it will be a pain to manage.

Well the point is they don't make as much money on new sales, but they make money of the console directly. There is no reason to stop supporting it