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kupomogli said:
I thought the FF15 trailer looked pretty awesome. I don't care what the game plays like as long as it's good.

I agree with you that Final Fantasy has lost it's way, but not based on the same thing you're basing it on. I've already went into depth in another thread, but the last four main Final Fantasy games have been garbage in terms of enjoyment in my opinion. 10, 11, 12, and 13. Games like the Wii Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles titles, My Life as a King, My Life as a Dark Lord. Crisis Core which isn't terrible but gameplay is repetitive and the story mostly sucked. Final Fantasy Theatrythm and all the other overpriced microtransaction games that aren't any good. This in my opinion all shows how Final Fantasy has lost its way.

There have been good games though. I actually liked Dirge of Cerberus. It might have had some stupid crap like double jump that doesn't do anything and the story might not have been very good, but it was a very well done third person shooter that was fun to play. A ton of challenge that unlocked after beating the game. Dissidia Final Fantasy is extremely unbalanced but an incredibly fun fighting game. Storyline is complete garbage, but it's a fun game, especially when playing against human players. Final Fantasy 10-2 had amazing gameplay, but you might notice a theme. Just like the others, the storyline sucks. The last chapter of FF4 The After Years makes the game good.

So anyways. It's got a few titles that aren't remakes that are good, but the majority of their games suck. It's been 12 years since Final Fantasy 10 and most titles from that time to now have sucked. Maybe Sakaguchi took all the key members of Squaresoft when he left to create Mistwalker. We know he took some of them. This could be the reason Square Enix has sucked balls for the last 10-12 years whenever they left.

I hear you, but final fantasy always had spin-offs from Chocobo racing to Mystic Quest. Those were always of variable quality.

I'm really talkin' about the mainline final fantasies. XI and XIV were tolerable but considered another class. Here, action-RPG is close enough to make it an affront to the game's genre. (especially this being not a 2nd game in a trio X-XI-XII, XIII-XIV-XV).