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happydolphin said:
Areym said:

Calling nostalgia goggles on you, good sir.

I think i've played every FF from one all the way to 13 (granted, i've only actually finished 7, 10, and 13. Currently playing 8 and 12) and FFXV looks like the best FF in the series. I am glad it doesn't have that achaic turn-based battles systems that some RPGs refuse to get rid off. Action and Hack-and-Slash RPGs are superior is every way. In a real fight, you don't wait for your opponent to hit you. You dodge/block/counter that shit with finesse and that's what this game is going for. There is no reason, this day in age, for me not to be able to enter and leave a fight unscratched, assuming I'm skillful enough. Turn-based battles are archaic, no other way around it in my honest opinion and for the record, RPGs are my main genre.

This is my most hyped final fantasy game since Crisis Core. The setting looks great, the characters look interesting, the battle system looks badass. I can't see how this is not a step in the right direction for final fantasy. The only think I can say is I'm curious about the party system. During the demo, Noctis's party only appeared briefly to assist Noctis. I would be dissapointed if they weren't always present in battles but it would not stop me from getting the game. Although Wikipedia says that members are present and can be switched around so I don't know anymore.

Final Fantasy wants to appeal to a larger audience other than the every-decreasing JRPG fans/market. By making it action/cinematic based, they can hope to attract other fans from WRPGs, action-adventure games, etc. That's what I think is happening. I can also only hope it doesn't lead to Square Enix dumbing down the overall game but I trust Tetsuya Nomura will do the game justice.

Whatever the reason, FFXV looks to take FF in a new direction and I love where it is going.

It's not a question of goggles...... it's a question of the franchise's history. Like I  said time and time again, if this is going to play like something else, they should just call it something else and continue the numbered FFs in their tradition.

Same answer to Turkish.

Dude, move on. Games have to adapt or evolve to the times or they become niche/outdated. You either move on with the times or get left behind.

The only real difference is the battle system. Well that's the only change in the overall game we have seen. It will probably have a robust story, open-world setting, customization in equipment/magic, etc. 

Just cause it plays different, doesn't make it any else of a FF game than it's predecessors. At least give it a chance when it hits.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian