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I'm not generally a huge fan of steampunk, but I live in London and am a fan of airships! Add into that the fact that I really enjoyed their PSP games and I am cautiously excited about this game, but there are plenty of questions

Firstly, their last game was God of War: Ghost of Sparta which released in September 2010. Given that they had 2 1/2 years to complete that game after the last GoW game which only took them 2 years WHILE working on Okami Wii, I would suggest that they started working on their new game before then.

This means that they have been developing the game for at least 2 1/2 years. According to wiki they started working on a console engine in late 2009 and started hiring for a 3rd person action game in early 2012. That would suggest that it has only been in full development for about 1 1/2 years.

So from that, I am not sure what to expect in terms of release, I think late 2014 is Sony's best bet along with ND and MM. You would think that they would want another exclusive between launch and then other than Sucker Punch, but if it were to launch mid 2014, you would have expected slightly more...

As for the actual game itself, it looks interesting, but I am a bit concerned about 2 things. Firstly, are they zombies? Secondly, is it another co-op based game? The market is just overflowing with those, especially with these weird online hybrid things like Destiny.

I don't think we have enough information to judge beyond praising their use of London as a setting and praising Ready at Dawn for their previous work. I look forward to more information