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Just a reference point for the possible 'big exclusives' Sony can be currently working on internally versus smaller production.

Worldwide Studios has 3-4 big title to reveal before Q4 2014 in the form of Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Media Molecule and Guerrilla Games. Teams like Sony Bend and Project Siren tradtionally make smaller scale games and are not consider the 'big gun'.

I don't have the same studio details for MS so I'll leave that for someone with more knowledge.

Sony Worldwide Studios
Evolution Studios  DriveClub
Foster City Studio Support Studio: no games
Guerrilla Games (team 1) Killzone: Shadow Fall
Guerrilla Games (team 2) ???
Japan Studio Knack
London Studio ???
Project Siren ???
Naughty Dog (Team 1) ???
San Diego Studio MLB 14: The Show
Santa Monica Studio (Team 1) ???
Sony Bend Studio ???
Sucker Punch Productions Infamous: Second Son
Team Ico The Last Guaridan (They fucken better be!)
Media Molecule ???
Naughty Dog (Team 2) The Last of US
Polyphony Digital Gran Tourismo 5
Santa Monica Studio (Team 2) God of War Ascension
Guerrilla Cambridge Killzone: Mercenary