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sethnintendo said:
Jereel Hunter said:
GameAnalyser said:

Sony has always been pro-consumer in every gen.They have been pretty much consistent every gen with PS3 being slightly odd but it got past. DRM issue is a major setback for Microsoft currently and Sony is trying to be better at handling this aspect of disc-based games. The most important thing is the online subscription fee which needs to be reasonable and currently PS+ for online multiplayer seems slightly below the ideal expectations. But then Sony has promised better value for money with the services being delivered. I have been observing Sony's moves since PS1 and wasn't dissatisfied one bit at all. Just make up your mind and what suits your gaming needs the best, go for it. My choice : PS4,.

Sony pro-consumer? did you type this in with a straight face? I mean, I guess they encourage their consumers to enjoy their work, in fact, even recommending getting a second job to afford their products...

Let me check the price of a 32GB SD card that can plug into a 3DS and a 32GB Sony card for the Vita...  Ah shit

What exactly were you tring to prove with the 32 GB Memory card prices? Not all the aspects of a proprietary S/W or H/W from manufacturers  might find it ideal to all gamers. This is due to the manufacturing costs endured by Sony on the proprietary SD cards.  Thus PS Vita suffers the sales brunt against 3DS due to it and Sony knows that they can't keep their customers waiting for long. The prices for Vita card will definitely go down, it's just Sony's strategic timing to reduce the manufacturing costs. On the other hand PS3 sales continue to dominate weekly with Sony's endearing efforts with PSN and PS+. How would you feel to compare it with PS3's sales earlier in the console cycle?

Being pro-consumer comes in with pros and cons where the former outweighs the latter and in the case of Sony, it's been pretty consistent.

EDIT: The thread has been put up to discussions of chooing between PS4 and Xbox one and so it would be better to focus on that rather than the prices of handheld console accessories.