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pokoko said:
A list of announced games? Okay, that's fair. However, it's also pretty much meaningless.

We know that Sony did not reveal every PS4 game. We know from past comments that people from World Wide Studios believe that some games have previously been announced too early. We know from past comments by Yoshida that all first-party studios are working on PS4 games.

What does that mean, exactly? Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Sony owns a LOT of studios and some may only be assisting other studios. Bend might not have its own PS4 project, for example, and London might be working on another Wonderbook for PS3 & PS4. Who knows?

What I think we can say with confidence is that Sony's major, top-shelf studios are probably all developing PS4 projects. That means an unannounced PS4 game from Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Guerrilla, and Media Molecule, at the very least. San Diego as well, most likely, though I think it's possible their next The Show might be for both PS3 & PS4. That's just a guess, though.

Either way, that is definitely nothing to sneeze at. I can assure you, with that mind, there is no Playstation fan who feels the slightest bit of worry over exclusive content for the PS4. Rather, honestly, I feel pretty excited, given the track record of those studios. I would put them up against what Microsoft has any day of the week.

Hope this helps.

How is this meaningless? People buy consoles for games, announced games, not for hopes and wishes.

And for the people derailing the thread, this is about exclusive games, not multiplats. If you want to discuss that topic then create your own thread.

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