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Yeah this story by d21lewis is gold:

When I was 21, I was living with my uncle and my cousin (who was not his son) in Atlanta. We considerd ourselves players. Those two were professional lushes. I had barely touched a drink before. Anyway, one Friday night, we were all at home drinking top shelf alcohol, eating chicken, and watching movies. My uncles incredibly fat girlfriend was hanging out with us.

That night, we sat around the table drinking, and I got drunker than have ever been or will ever be again. I got the idea in my head that I was going to perform oral sex on this fat chick (who had fallen asleep on the sofa). I crawled away from the table Solid Snake style, and.........that's all I remember. I woke up the next day, and there was chicken vomit everywhere. My head was pounding. Nobody would tell me what happened (to date, nobody still has), and my uncle's fat girlfriend started coming on to me. I keep having bizzare visions of my uncle grabbing my penis, while I'm in the bathroom crying too.

So, I moved out from the shame. I may have had oral sex with my uncle's fat girlfriend. I puked all over the house -at least 4 different rooms. AND I believe (but can't prove) I got molested. The ONLY thing I'm proud of about that night is that I didn't go out and buy an Atari Jaguar. Didn't touch alcohol again for about six years!