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I had some strange lighting glitches during my Metro playthrough though it ended up being that I overclocked my 4890 a bit further than normal. Really fun game even with my PC being brought to its knees during several outdoor sections.

I have to say, the first two Metro games have both been fantastic. 4A Games has come out with a great follow up to Metro 2033. As far as 'Metro' as a world goes, the setting, pacing, gunplay, and player engagement are on par with Half Life. Gritty post-apocalyptic settings have been done before, but never with so much attention to detail, and rarely  come together in something that ends up as a cohesive whole with few real failings.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka