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Zucas said:
Legend11 said:

It's getting annoying to see consoles being bashed based on sales while the games themselves seem to be largely ignored. To me a console is a success if it has a great library of games and I really question "gamers" who appear not to think that way. The Xbox 360 has a great existing library and has more than enough great games coming in the next couple of years to be considered a success. Even the critics calling it a shooter box will find it increasingly harder to ignore all the rpgs, strategy, racing, sports, and adventure games as well as unique games such as Viva Pinata and Banjo Kazooie 3 either on or coming to the system.

As for those bashing it because they "hate" Microsoft because of their practices, have you ever known any company with a monopoly to act any different? Nintendo during the NES days locked in some developers so they couldn't make games for any other system and also did other questionable things.

Anyways it's likely that this post won't make much of a difference but even if one or a few people start making quality posts instead of bashing systems based on sales then it will have been worth it.

NO cause factually success of a product on the market is determined by how much profits it makes.

Personally games should be judged by quality, but you said success. Maybe you should rephrase.

suc�cess � (sk-ss) KEY

  1. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted: attributed their success in business to hard work.
    1. The gaining of fame or prosperity: an artist spoiled by success.
    2. The extent of such gain.
  2. One that is successful: The plan was a success.
  3. Obsolete A result or an outcome
I'm talking about the first definition shown here.  That the success of a console in my opinion should be measured by it's game library rather than how many sales it had compared to it's competition.