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For those that are saying it's release is sure to be November and the price estimates are too low....Think a bit about it before posting your response. Sure we can all regurgitate what the industry is predicting, and what historical norms are pointing us to guesstimate. I'm asking you to think about it, and make a logical argument for why it will be DIFFERENT from what everyone else is already saying.

November makes the most sense as far as a "safe bet" is concerned. But the Aug/Sept release and why (as mentioned in the original post) shows some thought provoking alternative. That's what I wanna see from you guys. Wow me with some original thought and some intellectual predictions, that's aren't such safe bets (in line and agreement with industry norms), but aren't ludicrous off-the-wall stabs in the dark. Sony KNOWS they have to change things up. Just look at what they did with a reveal event in Feb....And with not showing the actual hardware yet... Both things that people didn't see coming, and yet have worked out really well. Why do you think that is? Think about it and respond. Sony is trying to break the mold, even if just by a little. That's why I'm predicting what I am. Not because it's 100% sure-fire, but because it falls in line with their mold-breaking strategy so far.

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