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I know there's a lot of nay-sayers still, (most likely due to bitterness cause by Xbox1 news) but I do believe that Sony is in a great position to do fantastically well this generation. It appears they have dialed in on all the right things. While we still don't know the price, or date, or specific policies concerning things like DRM/Used games, you can trust that Sony will do all they can to maintain this "momentum lead" with E3 and through to their launch of the PS4. Seeing everything negative that has come from what MS has done, they will not do anything of the sort unless they HAVE TO. But I don't think they HAVE TO, this is MS's and/or the big publisher's doing. Doesn't matter who started it (MS or EA/Activision) the fact is they are supporting it and mandating it out of choice not necessity. They are choosing to alienate their install base because of greed, plain an simple. Sony needs money worse than any of these companies, but they know how to get it the right way.

So, do I think that Sony is poised for greatness this generation? Yes. Do I think they will dominate the market over MS and Nintendo? If priced right, YES! They have a proven track recorded for "bringing the games" and that doesn't look to be changing. Their biggest blunder with both the PS3 and the Vita, has been pricing. If they get pricing right with the PS4 from the start, they WILL dominate. If they have to keep the price "up their" to launch, they will still do extremely well, but it will slow their dominance momentum. Either way, it's Sony's lead to loose at this point.

I personally think the best (realistic) launch price scenario would be  $349.99 (PS4 only)  and  $449.99 (PS4/Vita Bundle) with the release date being in the Aug-Sept 2013 window. This would ensure they get to market before MS by enough of a window that would either; A) Be a sufficient head start on Xbox1 to nab up some eager potential X1 next-gen buyers.  B) May even cause MS to hold back their launch for Q1 2014. Here's why I think that. MS won't want to look like they are getting to the next-gen party 3 months tardy (launching in the likely window of November 2013 as currently expected). Also with most of their games most likely needing more time in development they would have a better launch lineup. Not to mention their rumored manufacturing woe's. So if Sony were to jump the gun with their release just a little, and move it up to August or September instead of mid Novemeber, it could possibly give them a half a year head start on MS (and we all saw what that did for MS this gen)

The logic is sound. That's what I'm expecting to see from Sony, but what do you think? Possible or unlikely?

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