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RolStoppable said:

1) Why didn't you buy a Gamecube for $199 or $149?

2) Why didn't you buy a Gamecube even for the low cost of $99, which is equal to the price of two new games?

*EDIT: I am asking why you didn't buy a GC during the 6th gen, not why you aren't going to buy one now. So please don't answer with something about Wii backwards compatibility. Also, don't answer if you bought a GC that was on sale for an amount lower than $99, this still means that you bought a GC. Thanks.*

 1) I already owned a PS2 (which i bought at launch for $499 canadian) for which i had more games than I had time. I also refused to forgive nintendo for using mini-dvd's which was one of the biggest mistakes in the GC's design. Second, I do not care for the vast majority of 1st party nintendo games. Since I already had a ps2, I saw little point in buying a gamecube for the handful of 3rd party games I had missed out on.

 2) See above.

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