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I came to this forum originally to look at some sales numbers out of curiosity and stayed because of the community here. Originally I had hopes that the site would grow with thought provoking threads and that it would eventually rival NeoGAF. That maybe gaming journalists such as N'Gai Croal and Geoff Keighley or developers like Will Wright and Sid Meier might stop in and make a post. Instead I see the majority of threads basically ruined because some people seem to feel that sales should be talked about absolutely everywhere on the site and a flood of immature people joining with a few quality posters mixed in.

I'm even the person who originally suggested to include seperate Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo forums when it used to be only Website, Sales, Gaming, and Off Topic because I was hoping that might help to get away from the constant trolling (sales and otherwise) but it never worked because off topic threads and posts were never removed from those forums which basically defeated the purpose of them.