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The_vagabond7 said:
You're in the wrong place, legend. This site is dedicated specifically to what you just described. Go to Gamefaqs or so other board where they could care less about the numbers, and they aren't going to be constantly arguing about numbers. This however is a numbers site. This sales meta-game is just a sub-sect of an overall larger meta-game of console wars. And the site you're on happens to be dedicated to the meta-game that you're complaining about. So get on board the train, and let's compare numbers, otherwise I don't know what you're doing here.

There's a sales forum to talk about sales.  But some people seem to want to make every forum here into a sales forum.  For example if I started a thread about Tales of Vesperia to talk about the game's artwork,etc it would just get derailed by people talking about it's Japanese sales and why it should be on another console.  It seems almost impossible to create a thread here and not have it ruined in such a way.  Maybe I'm just wishing for thought provoking and quality discussions that a lot of people seem to be too immature to take part in.