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kitler53 said:
walsufnir said:
kitler53 said:

well in my head hacking/pirating is really the same thing.  oh i know, there are like 20 guys that do custom firmware stuff or whatever but a vast majority of the hacking is just to get free games.  whether fully cracked or not,. if games can be pirated i'm counting that as hacked.

I won't argue your opinion but hacking would mean that the pki is cracked which most probably won't happen with Xbox One. It didn't happen with first Xbox, not with 360, thus I am concluding this. This does not mean you can't play pirated games, of course. But given how much Xbox One seems to rely on online I think ps4 gets "hacked" first.

nor i to argue yours,. in no small part because you are technically more correct than i.  :P

..i just think that the technical details has some obvious vulnerabilites.  but hell, what do i know about the ps4 at this point?  maybe theirs will be even larger.  but knowing the "rightous" nature of hackers i feel like the xbone will be far more targeted.   the only thing i can think that will truely deter hackers (read pirates) is if the cloud processing thing is really important to xbone.   why pirate a game that won't play without MS's servers?    yeah, the elite guys can probably stage their own server too but that's way beyond the average joe.


..or, if the disinterest in the wiiU propigates over to MSony (and based on the wiiU post i don't see why it wouldn't) no one gets hacked.  i actually like that idea a lot.


"I think we may have reached the point where homebrew on closed game consoles is no longer appealing. The effort required to develop and maintain an environment for a big, complex modern game console is huge. The cat and mouse game with the manufacturer requires ongoing effort. There is a very real threat of litigation. Game pirates would become not just big users of the result of those efforts, but by far the overwhelming majority (not because there are more pirates, but because there are fewer homebrewers). The fact that the Wii U isn’t selling nearly as well as the Wii did doesn’t help drive enthusiasm either."