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nnodley said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Check out Sesslers Somthing on Youtube and Sesslers actual review. He compared Bioshock Infinite and TLOU and said basically that that Bioshock Infinite glorfies killing, whilst in the last of Us you feel like every kill you make is just another chance to survive. Also your partner can be killed too, so you have to watch her back because they'll kill her too so when you get jumped it can really get on edge. Theres no game like this out. You grow attatched to the girl like the main protagonist. What I gained from it is Bioshock is a great game but it glorifies killing, TLOU brings you into a post apocalyptic world with a man who has survived for twenty years and a girl who was born in the shit of the fight, so shes got a brash mouth and a "trigger finger" style. Basically every kill is another second you are still breathing is the feeling in the game. All of the characters have are fully fleshed out that matter as well, they aren't left hanging in value like other games. Naughty Dog is known for doing this though, so it shouldnt be a question. The killing is far from glorified though. He also said he recommends not playing through the game in one sitting because 15-17 hours of this game is affecting, or it affected him from his reaction on both shows. 

Is there spoilers in his video and his review?

No at all. Sessler tends to be very cautious. I think he's been in this business for quite awhile reviewing.