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@ Heroe..... There are great games on the ps3 ,also.Exclusives like Warhawk,R:FOM,Motorstorm,Uncharted:Drake's Fortune,Rachet and Clank:TOD,and coming soon Little Big Planet(2008 ),Haze,GT5 prologue,Tekken 6,FFXIII,Resistance 2,KZ2,MGS4,all the PN exclusively downloadable content games-Not demos,and possibly HOME coming all this year -so you can stop using the old cliché "not any games out on the ps3" But we can continue this debate in Dec. 2008 and we'll see who will have the upper hand. I luv playstation games period not because its sony because most of their games are not made by sony anyway.By the way,im not blaming one and defending the other,im just stating the facts. There are some games i like on the 360 but the majority of them are mlt. platform games i can play on my ps3,so with more functionality with the ps3 why should i want a 360.

iWillCrushAllWhoDefyMe!                                                                           PN ID- DrivenToExcell -if you want to add me to your friends list tell me where you know me from(vgchartz)