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sharky said:

If 360 is such a failure as you keep posting, why has it already shipped 17.7 million when Xbox 1 only shipped 24-25 million it's whole life? And given that 360 ships at least 7-9 million per years, will overtake Xbox 1 by the end of 2008? Also while being more profitable?


More profitable and more sales, how is that not an improvement on Xbox 1?


It's a very simple question. And dont even forget 360 will most likely start selling MORE not less in the next 2-3 years most likely, because it's hardly even had any price drops yet!

 Why has it shipped 17 million, it was first to the market, simple as that. Is it profitable, not really, MS is constantly replacing consoles, extending warranties, dealing with XBL issues. And what makes you think it will start selling MORE? If January is any indication that statement is dead in the water.

The simple fact is the 360 was rushed, and for that Microsoft will pay. Wii sales are staying about the same, PS3 sales are rising, 360 falling, what makes you think it will sell more than its previous two years?