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I finished my bbc Earth documentary marathon with Madagascar, amazing island.
Now I'm waiting for the Wrath of Khan blu-ray to come back in stock.

I've also been catching up on some stuff I still had sitting on the pvr.
Conan the destroyer, not a terrible sequel, it has that 80's fantasy charm.
Hitman, good action flick, very decent for a video game adaptation.
And a bunch of series all had their summer finales, The mentalist, Elementary and Grimm. Elementary didn't end with a cliffhanger. Should I be worried? Does that mean it will be canceled... I'm so used to all series ending with a big to be continued nowadays.
Continuum is still going, it had a bit of a lackluster episode last week, I haven't watched last sunday's yet.
And Space HD has started a new run of TNG, the HD version. Good excuse to watch that again.