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alot of people here kinda touched on what i want. A new combat system. Mario's punches and kicks have always been uncomfortable to me. Simply being able to search the level for a yoshi, or a fire flower would solve this for me. Also, i would like to play as a separate character on the gamepad. Kinda like the youtube post that was on the 1st page of this thread. Harder boss battles. Galaxy has some nice boss battles visually, but they were so damn easy. Lastly, and most importantly, i don't want the main game to be all about collecting stars. I want a true journey that tells a story. I haven't really liked a 3d mario game yet, and i bought 2 of them. I really like mario characters, but i feel like the story always revolves around collecting like 50 + stars. I don't mind a little relic collection in games, but such a high number just sucks away the importance of said relic. I would much prefer 6 mega stars holding a great amount of power and just interacting with those. Then, you could reward players who set out to collect some high number of normal stars.