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Wright said:
VGKing said:
Wright said:
The worst part is that he's in favor that this kind of thing - talking about someone's (VGKing) persona - should be against the rules of VGChartz.

It should be against the rules. If a known Nintendo fanboy pretends to be interested in the PS4, LET HIM. IGNORE HIM. Don't laugh at him, call him names or tell him to go to his corner of the forum.

But that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the user does, with a regular basis, statements that don't infringe the rules but annoy people intentionally, that should be object of opinion and critisizism. The model you propose of "No opinion about other users" neglect that, and that's unfair to everyone, as it protect the criminal, or as you say, the Bully.

But that's just a matter of opinion. Someone who sees an anti-MS comment from VgKing might be annoyed, someone else might agree with him completely. Whether someone is there to annoy others can't be proven. I myself can say that I am only here to post my opinions about the industry. So no you shouldn't talk about how much Vgking annoys you or how he appears in all MS threads with his negativity. This will only provoke Vgking and lead to derailed threads.

You see when you are criticizing Vgking, you are the bully. Vgking doesn't know anything about you and he doesn't care what you think about him. He shouldn't have to hear it. If Vgking is really a nuisance to Vgchartz, it would be up to the mods to hand out bans and warnings to get Vgking to change his behavior. If he doesn't then hopefully one day Vgking gets permabanned. I don't think we're there yet though, as much as you may hate Vgking he doesn't deserve a permaban. He has the right to express his opinion in any section of this forum.