I'm a little bit worried that some games like Bayonetta 2 might get short changed or pushed out of E3 this year entirely and "saved" for a later Nintendo Direct.
It seems like games such as Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 which should've had much more build-up at previous Nintendo Direct's will get more of a push. Don't get me wrong I want W101 badly, but I really wish Nintendo had spent one of the last few Nintendo Direct's focusing on those two games rather than giving us almost six months of nothing and then a little bit on Pikmin 3 last time.
An hour long presentation, factoring in 10-15 minutes for 3DS stuff and maybe some time throw towards third party games too, doesn't leave much for all the Wii U stuff Nintendo has be sitting on for ages.
I'm guessing Retro's game is also not going to be revealed, but they will end the conference with a Smash U trailer.