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kingofwale said:
sc94597 said:
^ Yeah I found out that if there are 2 black holes they emerge to create even a more massive one. That is how supermassive black holes were formed by two regular black holes emerging then 2 more then 2 more until it was very large. That choas theory is interesting I don't know why I have never heard about it before now. I think something similar to a type IA supernova would happen if two stars collided just on a smaller scale because there isn't a white dwarf in the equation.

with that many stars and gravitational fields, Chao theory is the only way we can use, and since we aren't smart enough to compute it, we are pretty much screwed. lol

if two stars collide head-on, yeah, it will unleash something in the magnitude of a massive supernovae, anyone anywhere near it would die instantly from the shockwaves. And it will probably happen almost everywhere you look if M31 and Milky Way collides. It's going to be awesome, before you die. lol

It's interesting though, when a blackhole takes in planet/light, it transfers mass into energy and where will that be stored? and since you can't destory energy, it has to come out somewhere eventually, and we have never observed such a massive amount of unleashing energy.

A nice little adjunct to what you're speaking about:

Fact: Energy cannot exist purely on its own, it has to be attached/manifested through something "physical" (term used loosely).


Here is an interesting article for those interested in learning a bit more about about the beginning of time:

Its a promo of Scienctific American from a while back, it has the full article iirc though. Scroll down to the article entitled "The Myth About the Beginning of Time", its starts on page 13 of the PDF. Its a bit long-winded but well worth it.

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