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curl-6 said:
Xxain said:

The result is now that, by default, Sonic doesn’t burst off with a tilt of the analog stick. He walks – until you use one of the GamePad’s triggers to engage his running speed. This too is actually not full speed. Holding down the second trigger will pull Sonic into a ball, giving him access to his full momentum, which Iizuka likened to the ‘Boost speed’ from previous titles. By creating a tiered structure to movement, Sonic Team is hoping players will be able to navigate the wide range of level designs, exploring and running as necessary.

Between this and the parkour stuff, it sounds like they are finally solving fundamental mechnical problems Sonic has suffered from for years. Could this finally be a seamless 3D Sonic?

It certainly sounds like a good start. But this is Sonic Team, they'll find a way to screw up.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.