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Otakumegane said:
Doubt it will happen, PS3 ain't no PS2.

One of the reasons PS2 sold so well was that PS3 was awful for the 1st couple of years. PS4 looking better than the PS3 was in the early days.

One of the reasons being the marginal utility of a blu-ray playing HD console is low if you don't have the HDTV to really experience it not really reason to get a spanking new console. Oh yeah and online.

Another is the 360. Unlike the 6th gen, 360 offers a very similar library at a lower cost. Where as the PS2 completely dominated the 6th gen and had the best library.

Then there's piracy. Which one's easiest to pirate again? I believe it was the 360 wasn't it? Wii's pretty durn easy too.

It's pretty bollocks even with the developing market right now to think that PS3 has a chance without China opening up. They already have a rich gaming culture, HDTVs and pretty good online.

You make some good points, but at the same time remember, PS3 was BC, PS4 is not. I'm sure a lot of potential PS4 buyers still want to play their favorite PS3 games.

But anything can happen. PS3 will be at 80 million when it's replaced. PS2 sold 45% more units after being replaced (50 million ontop of 110 million). PS3 only needs to sell 30% more units after being replaced (80 plus 25 million more). Weather this happens or not, we won't know until mid-8th gen, and weather or not this happens, it will be close.

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