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in 3 - 4 years time?

Well this means that Nintendo is one generation ahead of everyone or at least has one generation extra in their pocket.

Logically we have:
Wii to Wii U
PS3 to PS4
360 to ONE

but if PS3 and 360 will keep selling between 6.5 and 7mil console a year for the next 3/4 years I am guessing that the sales of PS4 and ONE will be moving very slow since excluding December they will both have to sell 105k a week (MS 360 is already lower than that)- and it is possible that by the time PS3 and 360 have finished their life cycle Nintendo will be already thinking about their new console.

If PS3 and 360 will want to sell for 3/4 years more we can assume that PS4 and ONE will have not have their successor coming out before 2021 and by then nintendo will have a new console out for at least 2 years increasing the gap between them and other company release.

I know that PS2 is still selling 1/2 mil copies a year after a full PS3 run but this will be a new startegy for MS.
