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Subie_Greg said:

Yeah they messed up... Fact! But it appears some don't yet know it yet. So I am going to help you. I will tell you and explain how you know Microsoft messed up. And here we go

First, you know you messed up when no one defends you. Now you might be reading that and saying to yourself "there are people who are defending Microsoft". But they aren't really. Look at theses topics below.

1. The name... Xbox One. Horrible name. It's just poop. There was already an Xbox One (called Xbox) and then an Xbox 360... Now an Xbox One again. You know they messed up when even the people who are going to buy the console don't defend the name. They may not hate it, but they don't love it or really like it either. Yeah Microsoft messed up here.

2. Always online/DRM. Boy there is a butt ton of backlash here. Lots of hate about it. But you know they messed up when no one defends it. Sure there are some comments like "I don't buy used games or sell my games anyway" or "I never let my friends borrow my games anyway". But you don't hear anything on the consumer side that says it's good or they like it. When your fanboys can't find 1 good thing to spin and say about it, you know you messed up

3. Kinect requirement. I bet no one who owned the Kinect 1 ever said "Wow I love the Kinect. I just wish it was required to be ON all the time for my console to work". When you give and require your customer something they didn't want or ask for in the first place... you messed up. When your fanboys can only muster "So what just turn it around or cover it with a blanket or towel" as the best defense to a requirement to use your console... you messed up

4. The reveal. I know some of you will be quick to point out that Microsoft said it wasn't going to focus on gaming until E3. Ok, when you have a reveal for your next GAMING CONSOLE, and you don't focus on gaming... you messed up. Pretty sure Microsoft made fun of Sony for not showing the PS4. The only thing Microsoft did right on May21st was show the console. And many a xbot wished they had handled it like Sony did. 

Yeah Microsoft messed up. 

1: The Name is was the only logical name for it..anything else with numbers would of sucked...

2:Xbox One offers Cloud for your game need to be online for that...

3:Kinect is required for voice command....and other Kinect features...since it's bundled with the system I doubt any games will lack Kinect compatability...even 3rd party games should have some extent...

4:the reveal was fine...Why is it  that no one takes into consideration how close to E3 the reveal was doyou really think MS could afford to show games during the reaveal that would be redundant at E3 giving Sony the upper Hand?