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Hey, I'm not about to predict console sales now. I was really shocked in 2011 when Wii sales just crashed. It was tracking above PS2 for the 5 years prior, and then flat, dead....

Anything can happen, but what's really funny is Microsoft. Microsoft said that they expect the 360 to sell 100 million, and of the 25 million units or so it still needs to sell, they expect half to be new owners and half to be replacement consoles. So if 360 does outsell the Wii....did it really?

I think PS3 has a shot at topping Wii, but not 360. I think 360 sales will crash with the release of "One" it's sales are already on life support with Kinect, and I just don't see it holding momentum. If 360 does sell 100 million, then Wii will sell 105 million.

PS3 can top Wii, it's at 80 million now right? PS2 was at 100-110 million or so when it was replaced, and still sold another 50% more units thanks to South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. PS3 only has to sell 25% of what it already has, which I think will happen.

I don't want it to happen, I really wanted Nintendo to get 3rd party support again and become a home console contender, probably will.

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