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ssj12 said:

Before going into this editorial I would state the purpose of what I am writing. I would also like to clarify that I’m just a journalist and not a professional analyst. I figured I would give my opinion on how I think the consoles will do for the next few years. This is all completely my opinion and is to be considered so; I am no analyst this is just my general view of what might happen from the way things are looking today.


In this prediction I will be going through the end of this year. I will be presenting known facts to help present my own predictions on what’s going to happen. At the end of each year I will be putting what I believe the sales numbers of each game system, the market share each current generation handheld and console holds, and each company’s overall market share. Why would I do overall market share? Simple, there are other consoles and handhelds made by each company that hasn’t been discontinued with translates into as overall chunk of the market.



6/1/07 - 12/31/07


The last half of the year 2007 will be an interesting one. Each console will be bringing out some of their big guns. Each console will be releasing games that will make our jaws drop.




This year will be one of two major selling years for the Wii. With all the controller attachments and "Wii Title" games, I believe, people will start realizing that Nintendo will be using the Wii's abilities as a gimmick more than following through with their belief that game play is more important that the game itself.


Turning our attentions to the ever popular Nintendo DS, sales will slow down a bit but stay pretty steady through the end of the year. Game-wise 3rd party will start taking advantage of the massive chunk of the handheld market the DS has and expand on the types of game play that touch screen can offer.



With all those games being released is it possible that Sony will turn their sputtering console into a success like their former consoles? I believe yes. As long as the titles like, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and Heavenly Sword, are as great as they are looking then Sony will earn back any fans that they lost because of the high price.

Consoles Sold:

Nintendo Wii: 12 million

Xbox 360: 9 million

Sony: 25%

Sony: 37.3%

It's a good prediction, but far from professional.

 I think your buggest error is you over empisise Sony. Remember that the market doesn't move fast. It's pretty steady. We can safly say that what sells fast will alwasy sell fast, when sells slow will awlasy sell slow.

 I think the error is you say that PS3 will get a big jump(and when I say big I mean BIG) jump based on titles. But, I doubt that will help. The price is what is killinfg it, and as long as it stays high it will never sell. It's unaffordable, even for the biggest fan boy. If this was the price of the 360, then your right. but theres no market for it. It's just too expensive.

 Also, looking at your Wii I disagree that nintendo is going gimmicky. The first years of the DS were similar, but 2md half of 2005 changed this with Nintendogs Meteos, and Brain Age in 2006. We have seen some games  that will use it well, but we'll have to wait and see what Nintendo has at E3.

Beyond what I said everything else is fine. Good job!