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drkohler said:
Scoobes said:

For comparison sake, bandwidth for each RAM:

In Xbone:

32Mb eSRAM: approx. 166GB/s

8Gb DDR3: 34.132

Add them together and you get 200Gb/s as MS marketed at their reveal. However, in real-world terms they'll be used in parallel and need to be taken separately. The 200 figure is typical marketing crap.

While it is funny to see someone posting MS fud numners, you should stick to the truth, so:

eSRam 102GB/s, ddr3 68.3GB/s.

And please do not add these two numbers, in theory it looks cool, in practice that case is never going to happen. The actual number depends on how the developers use the eSRam (frame buffer only, or managed cache ram+frame buffer). For example, if you push texture data from ddr3 into cache, the actual number is 68GB/s which is the low end. If you bandwidth-starve the gpu with the frame buffer, the number is 102GB/s, which is the high end. The truth is somewhere in between (or rock bottom, if the developers does not carefully handle the two memory pools). In any case, the (theoretical)  gpu limit of 176GB/s of the PS4 are simply faster (the actual use will be around 140-150GB/s I suppose).

Do you have a link for those numbers?