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pezus said:
dahuman said:

dood, read what you bolded :P a lot of it are RAM based, and I already said it'd be missing some stuff but it'd run, the game was running on the PS3 KZ engine man, hence why I said it can run, you'd just tone down the poly count and the lighting wouldn't be as good. You literally said the same thing I did lol.

It didn't look like that to me:

"TBH I think KZ4 can run on the PS3 lol, the lighting and draw distance wouldn't be as good though, and that's because the PS3 has shit for RAM is about it(of course you wouldn't have dx11 like effects, but average users can't see the difference so much.) The assets they were using weren't really that detailed and weren't massive in poly count. I think the final KZ4 will actually look quiet a lot better than the demo in detail TBH."

The poly count was way higher than in KZ3. So that's at least textures, polygons, lighting, draw distance, performance that would have to change for it to run on PS3. That does not mean "KZ4 can run on the PS3". That's like saying Crysis can run on Wii, if you reduce the quality of textures, polygons, lighting, draw distance, particle effects etc...

Yeah but now we are in a territory of console Crysis 2 or 3 vs PC versions. Sure those games run on consoles, but I guess they are not really Crysis since they don't run on PC quality? Therefore they don't count? :P come on now.