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curl-6 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:

My original statement stands, the developer hit a hard limit and compromised which is fine, however, After talking about harnessing the power of the WiiU they can hardly admit that they hit a limit so they just prettied up the words, turning a possible negative into a positive, typical PR spin. Honestly if the WiiU had the power to harness as he put it then 1080p with the same effects could have been possible, but that's not the case.


No matter what system you develop for, 1080p will always use more than double as many pixels as 720p, which means less remaining fillrate for other things. Even on PS4, you could push more post-effects on Killzone Shadowfall if it was 720p instead of 1080p.

In fact, speaking of Killzone, Guerrilla made it run at 30fps instead of 60fps for the same reason as Shin'en chose 720p; not that PS4 (Wii U) can't handle great graphics at 60fps, (1080p) but that they would rather prioritise detail over a higher framerate (higher resolution) many wouldn't notice.

You are correct that 1080p is resource intensive, so is 60fps, in fact even running 720p @ 60fps is resource intensive, surely they could of dropped it to 480p to put in more effects, but seriously, the thing in question here is the power of the WiiU, is the WiiU or is the WiiU not more powerful than the PS3/360?

1) If we assume that the WiiU is on par for the most part with the PS3/360, then Nano assault Neo as is, is perfectly fine running in 720p @60fps.

2) If we are to assume that the WiiU is, as some say x1.5 - x3 more powerful than then PS3/360, then a 1080p @ 60fps Nano assault neo game should exist seeing as a 2008 game of the same genre called Stardust ran in 1080p 60fps, surely a power console of 2012 could run the same with even more detail without breaking a sweat. Especially when the developer is claiming to harness the power of the WiiU.

Case in point, option 1 is the reality we live in, 2 is but a dream.


In regards to Killzone it is a franchise which histoyricaly runs at 30fps, killzone: Shadow fall is no different in this respect, it now runs in 1080p. Guerilla was not targeting 60fps, they were targeting 1080p with cinematic visuals. The difference here is that Nano assault neo actually ran in 1080p, before being downgraded to 720p, why would they develop the game to run at 1080p in the first place? if you read between the lines you will find that they wanted to target 1080p but couldn't achieve the look and feel of the game so they compromised on resolution to free up the resources as they were not going to compromise on frame rate. think about the excuse for one moment in what they said " We had the game also running in 1080p but the difference was not distinguishable when playing." why make such a statement if the game was designed to run in 720p?

Look at call of duty, they always target 60fps and always compromise resolution. Dropping resolution always reduces the image quality. Just ask any PC gamer who always wants to run the games at higher rez to make them look better. Just think about PS2/Wii games running on PC emulators at crazy high resolutions and see how good they look, allot of art is lost with low resolution, so for the developer to make such an excuse makes no sense unless the real reason is like I said, they talked big about harnessing the power of the WiiU, hit a limit, they compromised, and now had to do the PR dance to still hit their original claim of "Harnessing the power of the WiiU", thus making option 1 the reality above which answers the power question.

It is all my opinion so take it as you will :)