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Anyone who isn't purely a fanboy or a massive troll knows that the Wii U is next gen, and was the first "Next Gen" console to release. Saying otherwise is outright lying. The other two consoles are going to be more powerful, basically a "no shit" kind of statement. But the Wii U itself is still hardly a weak machine, and it's GPGPU especially has plenty of muscle, and will be able to provide HD graphics on par with the competition.

And before "on par" gets a bunch of fanboy flaming, what I (obviously) mean, is that when considering the Wii vs. PS360 phenominon last gen, it was less of an enticing prospect for some 3rd party developers to port games to Wii, because they would have to practically redo the games from scratch. The gap was far more noticeable.

The gap THIS gen, will be almost neglegable. That doesn't mean to imply that there won't be some later gen games that Wii U simply might not be able to do. But it IS implying that the gap between the Wii U vs. PS4/One will be much smaller this gen, and most modern gaming engines SHOULD be built to scale, meaning that making Wii U versions of games should be much easier. It's already been said that CryEngine 3 and Unreal Engine 4 can run on it just fine, and it's very likely that even though EA are acting like babies, if it can run THOSE engines it could certainly run the new Frostbite. Regardless, the Wii U has the hardware to compete, whether it's weaker or not, it will still be able to "keep up" where it counts.

And everyone knows that at the VERY least, Nintendo's own games, the BEST of them (3D Mario, Zelda, etc.), will absolutely be just as impressive graphically and otherwise as what the other consoles have to offer. A game like Mario Galaxy, despite Wii's weaker hardware, was STILL one of the prettiest and most impressive/innovative games of it's gen. The same could be said for games like Skyward Sword, Metroid Prime 3, etc. There will undoubtedly be games for Wii U where that will once again be the case.

After all, tech specs are nice, but the games are what ultimately matter.