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Nem said:
pezus said:


Does my post hint at that? I said KZ2 and 3 could probably run on WiiU, and they are two of the most graphically advanced PS3 games. It's quite obvious that SF couldn't be made on PS3.

@dahuman: The lighting was far beyond what PS3 could do. So were the particle effects, shadows, and amount of stuff on-screen. All this happening with very little aliasing and already at a stable FPS.

You both should read through this:

"In terms of graphics, this is where the enhancements Guerrilla has made over Killzone 3 are perhaps best appreciated. For in-game characters, the PS3 game used three different LOD models (more polygons used the closer you are to the character in question), up to 10,000 polygons and 1024x1024 textures. Things have changed significantly for PlayStation 4 with seven LOD models and a maximum of 40,000 polygons and up to six 2048x2048 textures."

"Lighting looks simply phenomenal in Killzone: Shadow Fall (to the point where Guerrilla released an entirely separate presentation on how it works) with a full HDR, linear space system in place that's a clear evolution of the techniques used in Killzone 2 and its sequel. A key new feature is something similar to what we see in Kojima Productions' FOX engine and Unreal Engine 4 - a move to physical based lighting. In the past, in-game objects would have a certain degree of their lighting "baked" into the object itself. Now, the physical properties of the object itself - its composition, its smoothness/roughness etc - are variables defined by the artist, and the way they are lit depends on the actual light sources in any given scene."

"During this evolution all lights in any given scene became "area lights" - able to influence the world around them, and all light sources have actual volume to them too. Everything on-screen has a real-time reflection that considers all the appropriate light sources. A mixture techniques including ray-casting and image-based lighting produces some exceptional results."


PS3 couldn't run this. Not a chance. They'd have to change the entire game, not just the textures

They would have to reduce the polygon number aswell. To be honest, its difficult to tell that the models had that many more polygons because its so hard to tell the difference. The improvement is there but its not clear as it was between previous gens. As i said before, the human eye has limits, and while things on a zoom in level might be very improved, we dont play games on zoom-in.

I still think and obviously the game could be ported to PS3 and Wii U. It would be downgraded, but it would still play the same. The only thing we would be losing is prettier graphics. This is why this new gen consoles look like present gen with extra eye candy than full blow new technology that allows for unprecendented things in gaming.

You are right, the human eye does have limits, and yet the brain is adept at picking out inconsistencies of the most smallest things. Every heard of the uncanny valley? it's the missing detail which our brains says should be there but isn't instantly breaking the suspension of disbelief.

As for the second point, this happens every generation, launch PS2 games looked like PS1 games, PS3/360 launch games looked like upresed PS2/xbox games, and yet when these launch games are compared with games that come out at the end of the generation they are worlds apart, the same will happen here and every generation until we hit photo realism, then your statement will hold its ground, till  then all we should do is marvel in the eye candy and simply enjoy.