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curl-6 said:
Hynad said:
curl-6 said:
Hynad said:
Nem said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Nem said:
Been saying this for a year now. No one listens.

Now that the xbox one is revealed and all stats known, do people still think that its the leap they thought it was? Its only a difference of texture detail and frame-rate. To the naked eye, the difference isnt much.

Not at all. Everyone who says such a thing simply has not seen what modern engines are capable of.

Of course. I'd like to see more examples and less faith leaping.

You mean... Like seeing something Shin'en have done for the Wii U that actually support their claims?

Nano Assault Neo.

That game certainly doesn't show the superiority of the Wii U compared to the HD twins. -__-

Nano Assault Neo does things PS3/360 cannot.

And what are those things, exactly? 

If you really think that this game couldn't have been made for the HD twins to look just the same, you're fooling yourself.