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The Wii U is just as much a next generation console as the PS4 and the Xbox Infinite. excuse me, one. It can do things that they could only dream of doing and the PS4/One can do tings that the Wii U can only dream of doing. That is what makes a console war, my friends. The Wii U is more than the average competitor and I think it is the most innovative system on the market right now to be honest.

I know that a lot of people tie graphics and next gen together and to an extent that is true. Recall that there was a time when Nintendo was the greatest graphical powerhouse on the market. The Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and yes the Gamecube were the most powerful consoles, spec wise of their generations. Sega Genesis was faster yes but SNES just outgunned it in every other aspect. The Gamecube, depending on what way you look at it, was equal or slightly more powerful than the PS2. But who cares bout power?

I love the Wii U and I'm sure I'll buy a PS4 sometime as well. Sony and Nintendo are just all I really need. But seriously. Being able to play a game off the screen onto your gamepad is a great reason to get one. The Wii U will eventually get the games. Just wait. It only makes sense for everybody to wait for Nintendo to come out with their best games first so that other companies can release their games to a greater user base.