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I can't wait for Digital Foundry face off when Watchdogs is released, it's gonna be a field day of fun ;)

Considering Watchdogs is a multiplatform game it will not be 100% optimized for any console but we will be able to still see a graphical difference between PS3/360/WiiU versus XboxOne/PC/PS4.

I think once a couple of games come out showing how much more capable the Xboxone/PS4 are in comparison to the WiiU, I know for a fact that allot of Nintendo fans who are trying to defend the WiiU's graphics capability will eventually revert to their "Gameplay over Graphics" mantra.

Now I have no issue with this mantra as most people who state this understand the hardware limitation of a Nintendo console but who simply can't miss a Nintendo first part franchise, this to me is fair and understandable. What I don't understand is this incessant need to 'try' and put the WiiU on the same hardware level as the Xboxone/PS4, in spite of the facts that are known. I've read some Nintendo fans stating that it has a GPU with a modern architecture with 'dx11' feature set just like the xboxone/PS4 therefore reducing the gap, but that's like saying that because I have a Toyota Carola with 4 wheels and an engine it's now comparable to a Formula one car....yeah sure they both have 4 wheels and an engine BUT their not even on the same league in terms of speed .

Like I've said before in other threads, the WiiU will be capable of some very beautiful 720p graphics just like the PS3 and 360, also Nintendo will do right by their franchises as they've always done, but one must realize that the hardware Nintendo choose is simply not on the same level as the hardware Microsoft and Sony choose, and honestly that is ok.

As foe Shin’en comments, well duh it's a next generation box, it's an 8th generation console, the successor to the Wii a 7th generation box, however, in terms of hardware capabilities Nintendo is a generation behind it's competitors, but again that's OK, Nintendo is providing something different with it's tablet controller, if you disagree with Nintendo's direction then their are 4 other options to game on such as table/phone, PC, Xboxone, PS4.