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UnitSmiley said:
That made me really sad to read. It's absolutely crazy what these radical religious people will do. this strictly a muslim thing? I don't hear about buddists or christians commiting acts of murder in recent times.

Well, not to speak for them, but I think they feel the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are Christian wars against Muslims.  Unfortunately, some Christians in the USA say that is exactly what it is - and want to kill all Muslims.

Pretty much any fundamentalism religion has is bad people.  I think what they did is murder, an no excuse makes it acceptable.  I feel for that unfortunate guy and his friends, family, and loved ones.

Except as you said The Buddhist, and I would add the Quakers.  Correct me if I am wrong, but I have never heard either group attacking people.  Quakers would let people slaughter them because they so strongly belive in non violence.



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