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Though my enthusiasm is a bit dampened, it by no means killed off my interest in Xbox One, for a number of reasons.

First of all, we don't know the whole picture of what Microsoft has planned in these areas. We are fairly sure game licences are tied to user accounts, but we don't know much more beyond that regarding used games (and I don't even buy used games); we also have little idea what online requirements will be (though that is not currently a problem for me, as I am fortunate to have a stable internet connection). I can't write off the One without knowing full details about its functionality.

Second, we know even LESS about Sony and the PS4. Their messaging has also been somewhat muddled, but really it has basically been nonexistent. They don't want to talk about it, for the most part, and Sony fans right now are just assuming that nothing will change for them. If Microsoft and Sony wind up taking similar paths in regard to used games and/or online requirements, I'll have no reason to abandon the One for the PS4.