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Pay careful attention; the steps are rather complicated.

1)  Click the "Create New Thread" button in the desired forum area.

2)  Create a thread title reflecting whatever inane information you wish to convey.  Or a "trick" title in order to get people to read your thread, then realize that it wasn't what they thought at all!

3)  Create the post content, detailing various items of little to no worth in extremely basic, simple language.  Try your best to include intentional grammar and spelling mistakes.  Make sure that nothing included could actually be considered a useful observation or a valuable insight; this is key.

4) Hit the "Post" button, and watch your pointless thread bring you to the height of fame and fortune!  Enjoy dozens of confused and aimless replies, usually relating to cats and/or food products!  Watch the lurkers weep as yet another silly title inhabits the "Hot Topics" list!  Revel in your own masterful glory! 

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.